Solar PV

Wafer Line

We offer turnkey production line for wafer manufacturing from crystal growing, ingot cropping and slicing, as well as wafer cleaning and sorting. We have team who had worked earlier in the same sector for many years.

Cell Line

We provide a complete turnkey solution for transforming mono wafers into photovoltaic (PV) cell through,-PERC, Topcon and HJT process technology. Our cell line encompasses layout planning, installation, and training on the process Equipment i.e,. Diffusion furnaces/ion implantation, screen printers, firing furnaces, annealing units, plasma etchers, wet etch stations, PECVD, and cell sorters. This comprehensive line is designed to optimize efficiency and output quality.

Module Line

Turnkey line includes cell testers, cell stringers/tabbers, laminators, solar module testers and laser cutters. Four-C-Tron was first to introduce semi automatic module production line in mid 2000.

Rooftop and C &I systems

Design, installation of Rooftop PV system for homes, educational institutions, Commercial and Industrial captive power consumption.


Wafers, cells, Silver paste, PoCl3, quartz ware, etchants, EVA, Backsheet, Ribbons, glass and junction box.

Solar PV

CZ Furnace
Diamond Wiresaw
Silicon Wafer
Solar Cell
Laser Cutter
EVA & Backsheet
Sun Simulator
Mobile Lab
Array Tester